"The Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL)"

The Defense food research laboratory (DFRL) E ntablish in 28 th December1961. Under th e agenc i e o f Defen c e Research and Development Organization (DRDO). DFRL are present in Mysore, karnataka , India. specially develop the varied food for INDIAN ARMY, NAVY, AIRFORCE and other PARMILITARY FORCES . Areas of work:- Research and development in food science and technology. Studies in development of convenience food, preservation of food , food safety, food packaging, and studies in spoilage of food and food safety. Production and supply food to forces during mission . Study of preservation and packaging of food for long distance. Develop packaging material for any climatic condition and perishable food. DFRL are develop the new test kit for food analysis, DFRL develop Test kit for E. coli detection, Acidity detection paper, pesticide detection kit. Developed Food Product:- ...